25 th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics
First call for papers
http://danubia-adria.cz/September 24-27, 2008
České Budějovice (Budweis)
Český Krumlov
Czech Republic
Organized by
- Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT)
- Czech Society of Mechanics (CSM)
- Czech Association of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.I.)
Co-organized by
- Austrian Society of Experimental Strain Analysis (ASESA)
- Croatian Society of Mechanics (HDM)
- Hungarian Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineering (GTE)
- Italian Association for Stress Analysis (AIAS)
- Committee of Mechanics of Polish Academy of Sciences (KMPAM)
- Romanian Association for Experimental Stress Analysis (ARTENS)
- Serbian Society of Mechanics (SSM)
- Slovak Society of Mechanics (SSM)
Scientific Board
Austria: | J. Eberhardsteiner | (Vienna) |
W. Eichlseder | (Leoben) | |
Croatia: | I. Alfirevic | (Zagreb) |
D. Semenski | (Zagreb) | |
Czech Republic: | S. Holý | (Prague) |
F. Plánička | (Plzen) | |
M. Růžička | (Prague) | |
Hungary: | L. Borbás | (Budapest) |
Italy: | F. Cosmi | (Trieste) |
G. Nicoletto | (Parma) | |
Poland: | R. Bedzinski | (Wroclaw) |
L. Dietrich | (Warsaw) | |
Romania: | N. Iliescu | (Bucharest) |
I. Păstrav | (Cluj-Napoca) | |
Serbia: | M. Ognjanovic | (Belgrade) |
M. Zivkovic | (Kragujevac) | |
Slovakia: | O. Bokůvka | (Žilina) |
P. Palček | (Žilina) |
Honorary Members of International Scientific Board
R. Beer | (Vienna) |
S. Jecic | (Zagreb) |
F. Thamm | (Budapest) |
I. Huszár | (Gödöllo) |
A. Freddi | (Bologna) |
Organization Committee
S. Holý | stanislav.holy@fs.cvut.cz |
M. Růžička | milan.ruzicka@fs.cvut.cz |
M. Daniel | matej.daniel@fs.cvut.cz |
K. Doubrava | karel.doubrava@fs.cvut.cz |
J. Jurenka | josef.jurenka@fs.cvut.cz |
Z. Hrubý | zbynek.hruby@fs.cvut.cz |
The Danubia-Adria Society on Experimental Methods (DAS) was founded in 1983. The objective of the Society is „to promote experimental mechanics, covering all aspects from the development to the applications of the methods, for the quality improvement of products and processes and for developing new models of education“.
To achieve this purpose the Society intends to: encourage exchanges of teachers and researchers between universities and other technical and scientific societies; develop areas of technological cooperation between researchers and technicians from different countries on bilateral and multilateral basis to contribute to the mutual scientific benefit; organize every year an Annual Symposium on „Development of Methods and Applications of Experimental Mechanics“.
Symposium Venue

The 25th Danubia-Adria Symposium will take place in České Budějovice (www.c-budejovice.cz) and Český Krumlov (http://www.ckrumlov.info). Budweis and Ceský Krumlov are situated in the lovely south Bohemian countryside, with its picturesque villages and many ponds.
České Budějovice is a centre of the South Bohemia Region. It has long been well known for its the largest square in the Middle Europe and for the beer brewed there since the 13th century.
Český Krumlov is a city on the UNESCO heritage list. The unique urban complex, comprising three hundred historic houses and the National Castle and Chateau is rightly called the renaissance pearl. It is an outstanding example of a small central European medieval town whose architectural heritage has remained intact thanks to its peaceful evolution over more than five centuries.
One can reach conference site easily by car or bus or by train. Railway and road acces are available through Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich and Linz. The nearest airports are in Linz and Prague.

Přemysl Otakar II Square in České Budějovice
Call for Papers
Contributions will describe current work in all areas of experimental research and its applications in solid mechanics. Topics of particular interest include:
- experimental methods in solid mechanics
- measuring techniques and modern devices
- data acquisition and data processing
- relations between experimental methods and numerical simulation
- experimental biomechanics
- fatigue and reliability
- applications
Authors intending to present a paper are requested to submit an extended abstract in English of no more than two pages including tables and figures. The template and typing instructions can be found on the web page of the conference. For submission, please prepare a PDF file according to instructions.
Submission Process
Only electronic submission of PDF files via the DAS’08 web site (http://danubia-adria.cz) are accepted. By means of their submission, authors agree to register for and participate in DAS’08, in case their submission is accepted for oral presentation or poster presentation.
Review Process
All submission will undergo a panel review after the due date. Evaluation criteria are those typically used by major journals and first-class conferences, e.g. relevance of the topic and findings, quality (rigour) of the research process and quality of the writing. The results of the review process will be communicated to the author by the specified date. Based on the review, papers will be recommended for publication in the selected scientific journal.

Historic Centre of Český Krumlov - UNESCO World Heritage
Publication Process
In order to have papers accepted to the proceedings, at least one author per paper must register and pay the registration fee for the conference. Proceedings will be available by the conference.
Selected papers will be published in regular issues of scientific journals:
- Acta Polytechnica
- Bulletin of Applied Mechanics
- and other scientific journals in DAS countries
Important Dates
Abstract Submission | April 30, 2008 |
Notification of Acceptance | May 30, 2008 |
Early fee payment | June 30, 2008 |
Late fee payment | August 30, 2008 |
Hotel reservation | June 15, 2008 |
Registration Fees
Full fee | before July 1, 2008 | €270 |
late/in situ | €300 | |
Student fee | before July 1, 2008 | €190 |
late/in situ | €220 | |
Accompanying person | €190 |
Symposium fee includes conference materials, welcome cocktail, coffee breaks, 3 lunches, technical visit and symposium dinner. Accompanying person fee includes tourist program for accompanying persons, technical visit, coffee breaks, 3 lunches and symposium dinner.
Preliminary Program
September 24, 2008 - Wednesday | |
13:00-19:00 | Registration |
20:00-21:00 | Welcome cocktail |
September 25 2008 - Thursday | |
7:30- 8:30 | Registration |
8:30-18:30 | Conference session |
September 26 2008 - Friday | |
8:30-12:30 | Conference session |
14:00-18:30 | Technical visit |
20:00-22:30 | Conference dinner |
September 27 2008 - Saturday | |
8:30-12:30 | Conference session |
12:30-13:00 | Closing ceremony |
The symposium will be held at the hotel Gomel (http://www.gomel.cz) near the city centre. An accommodation in the this hotel has been reserved for conference participants. The Conference Organisers have secured attractive rates on behalf of registrants. For special rates, please refer to DAS2008 when booking at the web page:
Accommodation has to be reserved by individual participants of the Conference.The Conference Organisers are not able to guarantee accommodation unless bookings are confirmed by the hotel.
RNDr. Matej Daniel, Ph.D.Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Technická 4
CZ 166 07 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 352 516
FAX: +420 233 322 482
e-mail: matej.daniel@fs.cvut.cz